BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2013 Developer's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions |
Private Sub Doit(ByVal dr As AMDocumentRepository)
Dim ps As AMPropertySet
Dim pd1 As AMPropertyDef
Dim pd2 As AMPropertyDef
Set ps = dr.Environment.PropertySets("AMContentSearchPropertySet")
Set pd1 = ps.GetPropertyDefWithName("_SEARCHDOCUMENTCONTENT") 'only content of the document file
'Set pd1 = ps.GetPropertyDefWithName("_SEARCHTEXTANDMEMOFIELDS") 'all text and memo properties
'Set pd1 = ps.GetPropertyDefWithName("_SEARCHTEXTANDALLCONTENT") 'all text and memo properties and document content
Set pd2 = ps.GetPropertyDefWithName("_SEARCHMEMOFIELDS") 'only memo properties
Dim sq As AMSearchQuery
Set sq = dr.NewSearchQuery
sq.DisplayNameWildCard = "*.*"
Dim pf1 As AMPropertyFilter
Set pf1 = sq.NewPropertyFilter
With pf1
Set .Property = pd1 ' do not set it if you want to search in <All text properties>
.Operator = OP_CONTAINS
.Value = "Meridian"
End With
Dim pf2 As AMPropertyFilter
Set pf2 = sq.NewPropertyFilter
With pf2
Set .Property = pd2
.Operator = OP_CONTAINS
.Value = dr.User
End With
Dim tv As AMTableViewROCollection
Set tv = dr.ExecuteQuery(sq)
Dim itv As IAMTableView
Set itv = tv
Dim vv As Variant
vv = itv.GetMultipleRowColumns(0, -1)
End Sub
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